
Ad Astra is committed to accessibility as much as possible given the constraints of our current building. This building is only temporary and it is scheduled for demolition at some time in the future. This means that unfortunately, there are some accessibility constraints that we cannot address. 

We are determined that our new space will be more accessible. 

In the meantime, we welcome all feedback regarding accessibility and will implement what we can. Please feel free to email us on


Our building does not have allocated accessible parking. These are the available options:

1. Medical Centre opposite Ad Astra.

2. Alongside the theatre.

3. Drop off and pick up.

Medical Centre:

Take the driveway into the Medical Centre to the left, just before the theatre (which is on the right opposite). Once you’ve parked, come down the driveway, across the road and into the theatre. The Medical Centre driveway is paved in pebblecrete, there are two curb cuts and the bitumen road to navigate.

Alongside theatre:

There is parking at the theatre to the side. To access the theatre, you will need to go onto the road and then re-enter the footpath in front of the theatre.

Drop off and pick up:

We can arrange for a safe drop off area for you, whether you are travelling solo or with a guest. Once you have been dropped off, your guest can park your vehicle in the parking available at the Medical Centre. 

Please let us know if you are attending and would like some assistance from your car, for us to save space to the side of the theatre or arrangement of the drop off zone. 

If you have any concerns or questions before arriving at the theatre, please email If you are at the theatre and needs assistance please call Fiona on 0411 470 870 or Gregory on 0417 001 292 and we will be delighted to help.


Please advise us if you will be using a wheelchair and if so, the type and sizes so we can make sure we have the right position for you with the greatest accessibility and sight lines. You are also welcome to transfer into a theatre seat, just let us know and we will assist if needed. 

Performance Accessibility

As a co-op company, we may not always have capacity to book Auslan and Audio Description services. We are committed to trying to provide these services on a show-by-show basis. 

Content Warning

Each show will have a detailed Content Warning posted on the production page in addition to venue signage and verbal warnings prior to the show.